When looking to develop your land, there are a number of factors that you have to consider to ensure:
1. You can get a planning consent.
2. Your land once a planning consent is obtained is ready to be marketed with all the technical information in place to allow a developer to make a robust bid.
Factors to consider are:
A) Technical
1. Access – Do you control the land that can accommodate the required visibility splays?
2. Are services available?
3. Are there any Archaeology or Ecology matters?
4. Is the land designated Green Belt, or in an AONB, or subject to nutrient neutrality issues, or an SPA?
5. Is the land contaminated?
B) Legal
1. Is there an overage or a covenant on the land that could restrict development?
2. Are there any wayleaves or easements?
3. Are any trees subject to a TPO?
4. Are all the boundaries owned, and do you have rights to discharge surface water and foul sewage to an adopted network?
C) Planning
1. What is the consent for/onerous conditions?
If these factors are not addressed properly then the delivery of your land for development could be delayed or even prevented with the value affected.
Contact Robert today for a free no obligation meeting to discuss your land.